Welcome to our visitors Keith and Donna Powell from Crawford. They have 3 children ages 16, 11 and 5.
Prayer Requests:
"Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!" Isaiah 43:1b
Don Guthrie, friend of Sarah & Richard Scott. Has a very rare cancer that is often terminal within a year. He is the pastor of FBC San Antonio and often sits down to preach due to weakness. Sarah says he is such a servant of God and are praying for a miracle. He has 2 boys in college.
Youth Ministry mission trip to
Mary O'Connor - friend of many in our class going through Chemo for Ovarian Cancer.
Carolyn Pachecano – Mom fell and sprained her knee and ankle just days before she was to leave for
"Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders which Thou hast done, And Thy thoughts forward us; There is none to compare with Thee; If I would declare and speak of them, They would be too numerous to count." Psalm 40:5
Rhonda Glanzer gave testimony during SS of God's faithfulness & His Goodness in such a trying, suffering time of living with Guillian Barre.
Karla Fore is doing so much better. Still undergoing test to determine cause of her problem.
Tickets on
sale in the foyer.
Everyone must buy
a ticket to go
through the food line.
Class picnic:
May 18th at Poage Park
Bring your own lunch for your family plus a dessert to share with the group.
Family Camp:
I spot left. Leaving this Friday. Cost is $300.00.
Contact Tommy and Brandi Ross for more information.
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