
Prayer Requests from Sunday

"And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together," Colossians 1:17

Jeff and Chrisann's son, Hunter (13 yrs/7th grade), he was diagnosed last week with mono. Please pray for protection on him during this time when his immune system is down and his spleen, liver is enlarged. It usually takes about 4-6 weeks to recover so we are praying for a speedy one so he can get back to sports and being the energetic guy he is.

Karen Kay who is a counselor at Midway Middle School - her husband is having a quadruple bypass today (Wednesday).

Mary O'Connor - friend of many in our class going through Chemo for Ovarian Cancer.

Karla reported that the test showed she is perfectly healthy!! Praise the Lord for answered prayer!

Chrisann's sister, Cherie Chadwick, a recovering alcoholic, got a great report from the doctor last week. He said that her good condition is nothing short of a miracle. She can talk, walk, and write almost completely back to normal. WE know it's a miracle, the grace of God, Him answering our prayers on her behalf. God is so good. Thank you so much for praying for her.

Thank you for praying for the Youth Ministry, England Mission Trip. They are set to go. You were asked you to pray for 10 going and there may be 13. Praise God!! Please keep praying as they prepare.