
Prayer Requests from Sunday

"And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together," Colossians 1:17

Jeff and Chrisann's son, Hunter (13 yrs/7th grade), he was diagnosed last week with mono. Please pray for protection on him during this time when his immune system is down and his spleen, liver is enlarged. It usually takes about 4-6 weeks to recover so we are praying for a speedy one so he can get back to sports and being the energetic guy he is.

Karen Kay who is a counselor at Midway Middle School - her husband is having a quadruple bypass today (Wednesday).

Mary O'Connor - friend of many in our class going through Chemo for Ovarian Cancer.

Karla reported that the test showed she is perfectly healthy!! Praise the Lord for answered prayer!

Chrisann's sister, Cherie Chadwick, a recovering alcoholic, got a great report from the doctor last week. He said that her good condition is nothing short of a miracle. She can talk, walk, and write almost completely back to normal. WE know it's a miracle, the grace of God, Him answering our prayers on her behalf. God is so good. Thank you so much for praying for her.

Thank you for praying for the Youth Ministry, England Mission Trip. They are set to go. You were asked you to pray for 10 going and there may be 13. Praise God!! Please keep praying as they prepare.


NEW Class Picnic Information!!

Poague Park was already being used so we will have our class picnic at WHITEHALL PARK on May 18th from 11:30-2 pm. Whitehall Park is off of Santa Fe in Woodway. Here is a map.
Click to enlarge.


Sunday April 20th

Welcome to our visitors Keith and Donna Powell from Crawford. They have 3 children ages 16, 11 and 5.

Prayer Requests:

"Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!" Isaiah 43:1b

Don Guthrie, friend of Sarah & Richard Scott. Has a very rare cancer that is often terminal within a year. He is the pastor of FBC San Antonio and often sits down to preach due to weakness. Sarah says he is such a servant of God and are praying for a miracle. He has 2 boys in college.

Youth Ministry mission trip to Redcar & Marske, England. We must have at least 10 committed youth & counselors in order to go. Please pray that we will have 10-16 committed to go this week. Our trip is set for June 13-24.

Mary O'Connor - friend of many in our class going through Chemo for Ovarian Cancer.

Carolyn Pachecano – Mom fell and sprained her knee and ankle just days before she was to leave for Maine where she lives May-October. Please pray for quick healing and patience.

"Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders which Thou hast done, And Thy thoughts forward us; There is none to compare with Thee; If I would declare and speak of them, They would be too numerous to count." Psalm 40:5

Rhonda Glanzer gave testimony during SS of God's faithfulness & His Goodness in such a trying, suffering time of living with Guillian Barre.

Karla Fore is doing so much better. Still undergoing test to determine cause of her problem.


Tickets on
sale in the foyer.
Everyone must buy
a ticket to go
through the food line.

Class picnic:

May 18th at Poage Park
Bring your own lunch for your family plus a dessert to share with the group.

Family Camp:
I spot left. Leaving this Friday. Cost is $300.00.
Contact Tommy and Brandi Ross for more information.


Prayer Request

Josh L. (4yrs.old) and family are currently waiting on a decision from health care insurance to pay for past and future medical bills with specialized Gastroenterologist. Josh will undergo a second endoscopy on May 4 to determine if past 6 months of treatment for ulcerated esophagus and inflammatory bowel disease has improved with medications. Results on May 4th, will determine if he resumes treatment for heavy metals. Need continued prayer for daily nutritional supplement intake and eating.


Traveling With The President

Todd was part of the team that went to provide protection for the President who was visiting Eastern Europe for a summit meeting. These pictures were taken in Kiev, Ukraine and in Zagreb, Croatia.

Please continue to pray for Todd, Jane, Maddison, Jacob and Jenna as Todd will continue traveling until the election in November.


Prayer Requests From Sunday

Tommy Ross' dad is doing much better. Continue to pray for full recovery. He is out of the hospital and is in rehab.

Karla Fore - last week experienced a sudden lapse of vision and speech then was taken to the emergency room. They do not know what has caused this and are waiting to hear what doctors say to an MRI done on Friday. Please pray for the doctors to accurately assess/diagnose the problem.

Todd Brown - leaves this week and will be gone for 3 weeks, then back home for 6 weeks and will repeat this until the election in November. Jane has asked us to pray especially for their kids, Maddison, Jacob and Jenna.

Mary O'Connor - a friend to many, a mom who is fighting Ovarian Cancer. She started Chemotherapy and is doing well so far.

God Tube

Click here to watch an incredible video on God Tube then click on "comments" at the end of this post and leave your thoughts.


Carter David Anderton

Carter officially became Carter David Anderton on March 28. Congratulation to parents Debbie and David and big brothers Cooper and Case.

Carter in his Easter duds.

Last Sunday morning the Anderton's participated in Carter's baby dedication.


Prayers, Praises and FYI

Prayer Request:

Tommy Ross’ father blacked out and had an auto accident. I just spoke to Brandy and she reported that he is doing so much better than Monday and Tuesday. He did have a stroke but should make a full recovery!! Brandy said they could feel everyone’s prayers and ask that you continue.


Patty Priest gave a praise for her Grandmother who just turned 96!
Another praise was having Rhonda Glanzer back in Sunday School!! Please continue praying for her complete recovery.


Did you know that we have

THREE Baylor Baseball coaches

in our Sunday School class?

Go to the ballpark and support

OUR coaches!! For a complete

schedule click here.