
FBW Sunday School Survey Results (10-08)

21 surveys returned

How to divide the time(60 min) on Sunday morning: (listed in order of priority)

Listening to good teaching(20-30 min)—20 people

Large group socializing before class starts(5-10 min)—18 people

Praying/hearing prayer requests(5-10 min) –18 people

Learning with a small group about lesson content/application(5-10)—9 people

What style of small group would you prefer? (listed in priority order)

1. Small group that meets on Sunday morning—9 people

*group changes weekly, based on who I’m sitting by—5 people, average time

attending FBW is 15 yrs.

*consistent group meeting on Sun am only—4 people, average @FBW 3.5 yr

No small group at all, large teaching only—6 people, average @FBW 10 yr.

Small group that meets occasionally between Sundays—3 people, average

@FBW 9 yr.

Goals for Sunday morning time:

Highest priority: (placed #1 or 2 on survey)

learn how to make practical application of Scripture to my life.—11 people

hear a master teacher impart truth—10 people

motivate me to grow in my personal walk with God---9 people

Lowest priority: (placed #6 or 7 on survey)

learn skills to study the Bible for myself—11 people

learn the history/cultural background of the Bible—8 people

build New Testament fellowship-5 people

What people like best about our class:

A variety of answers, with most often mentioned being the teaching (good teachers) and the people in the class(ie. friendships, caring for one another, etc.)

What people would like to change about our class: Variety of answers, with most often mentioned being more fellowship opportunities, wanting to get to know others in the class better and having a larger room