
UPDATED Sunday, October 26th

The survey showed many in our class are interested in getting to know one another better outside of Sunday mornings. In the next few weeks, we'll be organizing some new fellowship opportunities for groups of 3 or 4 couples to gather two or three times over a three month period. The times will be determined by each individual group. More information and sign ups will be coming in the next few weeks.

Reminder about our Christmas Party December 5th. Contact Amber Thompson if you have questions or would like to help.


Prayer Requests:

Update from Chrissann!!
(My) pain has subsided so much!! Praise God for the answer and thank you to all who have lifted me up during this time. So many great things have come from this affliction....closer walk with the Lord and with family members as well as others. To Him be the glory!!

Chrisann has really been hurting this week. Her next Botox treatment is scheduled for this Thursday. Please pray that the benefits from this treatment will be felt much quicker than last time and that Chrisann will get some meaningful relief from her pain quickly and that it will last much longer!

Please pray for 20 year old Kendall Kayworth who is the daughter of Dr. Kayworth at Baylor University. Kendall was studying with Baylor Abroad when she became very ill. After she return to the states she was diagnosed aggressive cancer. She will be at MD Anderson for at least 6 months for treatment.


Sunday, October 19th

A friend of Will & Carolyn Fair, Bill Goss, was recently diagnosed with Melanoma Cancer. It's very serious, but a praise is that it's not in the brain like they thought it could be. Please be in prayer for him and his new bride Sandy.

Also please pray for church member Doris Womack (80ish). Her daughter and son-in-law are Diane and Bill Korioth (also church members). Doris was diagnosed with a brain tumor last week and was given 2 months at the most.


FBW Sunday School Survey Results (10-08)

21 surveys returned

How to divide the time(60 min) on Sunday morning: (listed in order of priority)

Listening to good teaching(20-30 min)—20 people

Large group socializing before class starts(5-10 min)—18 people

Praying/hearing prayer requests(5-10 min) –18 people

Learning with a small group about lesson content/application(5-10)—9 people

What style of small group would you prefer? (listed in priority order)

1. Small group that meets on Sunday morning—9 people

*group changes weekly, based on who I’m sitting by—5 people, average time

attending FBW is 15 yrs.

*consistent group meeting on Sun am only—4 people, average @FBW 3.5 yr

No small group at all, large teaching only—6 people, average @FBW 10 yr.

Small group that meets occasionally between Sundays—3 people, average

@FBW 9 yr.

Goals for Sunday morning time:

Highest priority: (placed #1 or 2 on survey)

learn how to make practical application of Scripture to my life.—11 people

hear a master teacher impart truth—10 people

motivate me to grow in my personal walk with God---9 people

Lowest priority: (placed #6 or 7 on survey)

learn skills to study the Bible for myself—11 people

learn the history/cultural background of the Bible—8 people

build New Testament fellowship-5 people

What people like best about our class:

A variety of answers, with most often mentioned being the teaching (good teachers) and the people in the class(ie. friendships, caring for one another, etc.)

What people would like to change about our class: Variety of answers, with most often mentioned being more fellowship opportunities, wanting to get to know others in the class better and having a larger room



Donna Johnigan shared a praise for her mom successfully going through Gall Bladder surgery. After a little over a week she was up and going even to the Rodeo & Fair with the family!


Donna Johnigan reminded us to continue to pray for Melissa Green. She is one of our Adult Special Needs in our church family who is in the hospital. She was in critical condition, but as of now is in stable condition. She is able to breathe on her own now, but unable to eat or drink on her own. Her pain med. was causing rash and hives, but that is doing better. They hope that she will regain her swallowing soon and possibly go home this week. Her parents are Mike & Margie Green.

America needs our prayers: for more info you can go to: and

October 19th after am church—Young Marrieds Lunch

For all Young Married Sunday School classes in both hours. Rudy’s BBQ, Potato Salad, Beans and Cole Slaw. Cost is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children RSVP by Oct. 15

October 26th @ 6 pm—Marriage Mentoring Training

Marriage mentoring is a ministry that seeks to connect young couples with more experienced couples in an intentional relationship that is focused on building strong marriages. This training is for those who are interested in serving as a Marriage Mentor or want more information about this ministry.

November 7th @ 7 pm—Married Life

Laugh Your Way To A Better Marriage video seminar. Deadline to register is Wednesday, Nov. 5th.

October 31st FBC Woodway Fall Festival 6-8:30 pm

Check out Chris Sammons’s (FBC Young Married Pastor) blog



More Prayer Requests

Josh Long Update

Many of you have not seen Ryan and I for a while in Sunday School as we prep the HH and the WORD each week for our kids at First Woodway.

Our son, Josh, has autism with severe dietary restrictions and gastrointestinal problems. He is currently on a three month course of steroids along with anti-inflammatory medications. In January he will begin some clinical trials to help his immune system recognize food as food. Despite the metabolic challenges, he continues to gain in all areas of development as we intervene, and as you intercede with your prayers. We are thankful for our church family and also so thankful for First Woodway’s Special Needs Ministry that allows us to be involved in our church while Josh is in “Helping Hands”. Please keep us and all of our special needs families.

Carolyn P

Please pray for my Aunt Marian who is 82 and lives in Maine. She just found out that she has brain cancer and it has already begun branching out. The doctor told her she can do radiation and chemo but at her age there could be huge side effects. Vision loss, hearing loss and even death are just a few. She is struggling with what to and her daughter desperately wants her to begin treatment. Her health before this diagnosis was very poor so this also complicates things. Please pray for my Aunt along with the entire family.


Sunday, October 5th

Prayer Requests and Praises:

Melanie Cannon praised God by telling us that Mary O'connor who was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer in March is now free of all signs of cancer!

Omar continues to feel better, but please continue to pray as he does phys. therapy in strengthening his arm.

Perry Glanzer offered up a praise of thanksgiving for Rhonda as she continues to deal with G B. Please continue to pray for her as she increases her dosage of pain medication.


Our class is hosting the breakfast for college students Oct. 12. Contact Stephanie
West is if you would have questions or would like to bring food or money.

If you have not already walked through the MAC please take the time to do so. We are so blessed to have such a beautiful facility!