
Sunday December 21

Rhonda’s brother graduated from Penn State after years of illness and confined to a bed!

Patricia Sober took a full time job at EMSI.

Prayer requests:
Please pray for Luther Fore. He continues to have chest pains that have been unidentified. He goes in today for a scope on his esophagus to see if there is any scar tissue that may be causing this severe pain. He has been battling this for almost 9 weeks. Thank you for praying, brothers and sisters.

Bridger Pearson the Crawford 16 year old who was in a auto accident about a month ago continues to make some progress however there may be some brain damage. Please continue to pray for this family and James complete recovery. Carolyn Hoy wants to visit with James over the Christmas break-please pray she will have the strength to see her friend in this condition.

No Sunday School next Sunday, December 28th and we will only have one Worship Service at 10am.

Request from Carolyn:
If you decide to tackle your closets during the holiday please keep in mind the following information.

These 7 sisters have both parents in prison and are living with an Aunt who is herself pregnant

and has other health issues. I was calling around yesterday looking for help for them and
one group asked what they wanted for Christmas so when I asked they said clothes, shoes
and backpacks. They are desperate.

Just email me if you have items and thanks for looking!!

Manda 16 yrs old - clothes size adult large & shoe size 7 men (her preference)

Jasmeen 10 yr old - clothes size 10 slim & shoe size 3

Maria 7 yr old - clothes size 6-7 & shoe size 11 1/2

Liliana 5 yr old - clothes size 5 & shoe size 10

Mercedes 4 yr old - clothes size 5 toddler & shoe size 8 1/2

Belicia 3 yr old - clothes size 4 toddler & shoes size 6 1/2 wide

Priscilla 11 months old- clothes size 12 -18 & shoe size 4


Sunday Dec 14th

Stephanie West has asked us to pray for her sister, Suzie. She has to have surgery biopsy in January to see if she has breast cancer.

Please pray for Amber Thompson's, daughter, Mary Conley, who hurt her knee while playing soccer. She has a severe bone bruise in her knee and needs to stay off of it for healing.

Please pray for Dori Mattson's brother, David Weems, who has cancer. He will begin aggressive chemotherapy today. This will probably make him very sick, but hopefully help him to live longer than was originally thought. He lives in Houston with his wife and children.

IF you were in Sunday school, you were blessed to hear about the Christmas Giving testimony of a selfless 7th boy, son of Melissa & Fred Youmans. As we hear how a young youth can forego his own gifts at Christmas to give to an unknown child some Christmas joy/gifts may we be moved to be as selfless and giving as he. Thank you for sharing that testimony and uplifting us all, Melissa.
"Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, they will pour into your lap. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return." Luke 6:38.


Dec. 14th Scripture

December 7th

Prayer Requests:

Be sure to check out Kendall Kayworth's blog to read about how she is now CANCER FREE!! Please continue praying for her!


A Weekend Escape (Christmas Edition)

Don’t miss the opportunity to spend a weekend with your spouse in Grapevine, “The Christmas Capital of Texas.” The young marrieds are sponsoring the first quarterly weekend escape just for couples December 12-13. We will spend Friday night with other couples in Grapevine and Saturday will be free to spend with your spouse. Cost is $100/couple and includes lodging, a $25 AMC Theater gift card, and a $25 Don Pablo’s gift card. Space is limited! Sign up today!

December 24th, 7:00 pm
Christmas Eve Worship

A very special time for the family with music, the Christmas story from our pastor, a treat for kids, and more!

David Phelps Concert: O Holy Night

Tuesday, December 16, in Waco Hall, 7:00 pm.

Tickets are going fast for this awesome concert! You may pick up tickets in the Worship Center on Sunday mornings, or call Tammy in the church office at 772-9696 .


Sunday, Nov. 23rd

Prayer Requests:

Psalm 57:2 "I will cry to God Most High. The God who accomplishes all things for me."

Sharon Majors has asked us to pray for Katherine Wenzel who is 12 years old and has been sick for a week now. She may have mono as she has been very tired. Her parents are Melissa & Steve.

A sophomore student,
Bridger Pearson, from Crawford High School was seriously injured in a car wreck last week. He was medically induced into a coma to help with bleeding on the brain. In the last 24 hours (as of today, 11/25/08) he is showing positive signs like opening his eyes and showing responses to his mom and nurses. Please pray for his recovery.

Please continue to pray for the Jim Spencer family, esp. his mom
as she grieves in the loss of his dad who died last week. Jim & Jodi express their gratitude for prayers & condolences during this hard time, and also give praise that his dad is in a better place!!

Today (11/25/08) Bill Goss is scheduled to find out about his Melanoma cancer (located under the arm) and the treatment for it. Please pray for him and his wife during this time.

Please be pray for Daniel Moore who had surgery last week and his having difficulty in recovery being sick in his stomach. You may know his wife, Serena, who is the MDO Director at our church.


If you are planning to attend our Sunday School Class Christmas party please send Carol Ellis' your RSVP by Dec 1.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!


Updated Prayer Requests

Great news! My sister, Cherie, had the mammogram and sonogram today and there is no sign of cancer. Thank you for praying.

Luther has CHEST PAINS....not check pains :o)


click to enlarge

Sunday, November 16th

Prayer Requests:
Please be in prayer for
Luther Fore. He has been having check pains for the past week. A few tests have been made that have come back clear, but a Heart Cath is suggested by the doctor so Luther needs to make this decision soon.

Chrisann Fritscher's sister,
Cherie Chadwick, 37, is having an emergency mammogram and sonogram on Tuesday to determine the cause of a breast lump. Please be in prayer for her that the tests may be accurate.

Our class Christmas Party will be December 5th. Contact Carol Ellis for more information.

Pastor Toby mentioned from the pulpit Sunday about Cuba Hurricane Relief. The U.S. Government has given FBC Wooday permission to take up to 90,000.00 to Cuba Baptist to help the affected churches. Pastor Toby will lead a team to Cuba on November 29th. Our permission expires December 5th so please give!

Harvest Dinner Sunday, November 23rd, 6 pm. There is also a Harvest Dinner for kids. Follow the signs to check-in.


Sunday, Nov. 9th

Prayer Requests:

Jodi Spencer -Thank you so much for praying for Jim's stepdad Jimmie Rogers. Please keep Jim and his family in your prayers now because due to complications from the COPD he passed away this morning.

Thomas West asked us to pray for an attorney friend of his, Mike Roberts, who had a heart attack last week. He is now in serious condition. Once he is stable the Doctor will perform a bypass. He is speaking now, but very weak.


Melony Cannon has offered up a word of praise for Mary O'Connor. She is free of cancer, but her type often returns, so please continue to pray for her.


More Prayer Requests


Don Guthrie, still only has a life expectancy of 5 years. He is a pastor and continues to preach and reach out to others. Please pray for complete healing. He is the former pastor & friend to Richard and Sarah Scott


Sarah Scott has asked us to pray for Henry Hahn who has some very serious health issues. He is refusing to accept Christ among his family who are believers, so please pray for Salvation.

Debbie Anderton

Jill Jones, who is a member of our church and a very important person to the Anderton family, has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. She is in the early stages of finding this out and the doctors are still determining what to do. She is meeting with her doctor tomorrow in Dallas. Right now, things look very bad and she needs our prayers. I will keep you posted but please be praying for Jill.


Prayer requests:

Jodi Spencer asked us to pray for her father-in-law, Jimmy Spencer, who has COPD. (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - in which the lung is damaged making it hard to breathe.) He has to stay on oxygen and is not doing well right now. Please pray for a miracle as his condition is worsening.


Scriptures you may want to read and pray through.
Isaiah 63:19-64:4
Daniel 2:21, 9:3-19
Ezekiel 9
Ezekiel 14:12-20
Ezekiel 22:1-12, 23-31
2 Chronicles 20
Proverbs 14:34

We can only do what God has called us to do.....then we can eagerly watch and see what God does.


Rhonda gave us an update on Josh Long-he has had a major breakthrough with his speech and his appetite. Also part of the day at school he is in regular class which the doctor said would never happen. Please continue paying for him!

Will Fair asked us to please continue praying for his friend Bill Goss-looks like his cancer is not as bad as first thought so they are very thankful. His cancer seems to be under his arm only.

Rhonda-she is experimenting with medications and she seems to have found the right combination that has given her some pain relief which helps her to be more active. Please continue praying that she can tolerate an increase in medication so she can increase her activity.


FBC Woodway Ladies prayer group will meet TODAY at Danille Haberns (633 Sante Fe Dr) at 9 am.

Next week scripture reading for our class is 2 Samuel 5-7


UPDATED Sunday, October 26th

The survey showed many in our class are interested in getting to know one another better outside of Sunday mornings. In the next few weeks, we'll be organizing some new fellowship opportunities for groups of 3 or 4 couples to gather two or three times over a three month period. The times will be determined by each individual group. More information and sign ups will be coming in the next few weeks.

Reminder about our Christmas Party December 5th. Contact Amber Thompson if you have questions or would like to help.


Prayer Requests:

Update from Chrissann!!
(My) pain has subsided so much!! Praise God for the answer and thank you to all who have lifted me up during this time. So many great things have come from this affliction....closer walk with the Lord and with family members as well as others. To Him be the glory!!

Chrisann has really been hurting this week. Her next Botox treatment is scheduled for this Thursday. Please pray that the benefits from this treatment will be felt much quicker than last time and that Chrisann will get some meaningful relief from her pain quickly and that it will last much longer!

Please pray for 20 year old Kendall Kayworth who is the daughter of Dr. Kayworth at Baylor University. Kendall was studying with Baylor Abroad when she became very ill. After she return to the states she was diagnosed aggressive cancer. She will be at MD Anderson for at least 6 months for treatment.


Sunday, October 19th

A friend of Will & Carolyn Fair, Bill Goss, was recently diagnosed with Melanoma Cancer. It's very serious, but a praise is that it's not in the brain like they thought it could be. Please be in prayer for him and his new bride Sandy.

Also please pray for church member Doris Womack (80ish). Her daughter and son-in-law are Diane and Bill Korioth (also church members). Doris was diagnosed with a brain tumor last week and was given 2 months at the most.


FBW Sunday School Survey Results (10-08)

21 surveys returned

How to divide the time(60 min) on Sunday morning: (listed in order of priority)

Listening to good teaching(20-30 min)—20 people

Large group socializing before class starts(5-10 min)—18 people

Praying/hearing prayer requests(5-10 min) –18 people

Learning with a small group about lesson content/application(5-10)—9 people

What style of small group would you prefer? (listed in priority order)

1. Small group that meets on Sunday morning—9 people

*group changes weekly, based on who I’m sitting by—5 people, average time

attending FBW is 15 yrs.

*consistent group meeting on Sun am only—4 people, average @FBW 3.5 yr

No small group at all, large teaching only—6 people, average @FBW 10 yr.

Small group that meets occasionally between Sundays—3 people, average

@FBW 9 yr.

Goals for Sunday morning time:

Highest priority: (placed #1 or 2 on survey)

learn how to make practical application of Scripture to my life.—11 people

hear a master teacher impart truth—10 people

motivate me to grow in my personal walk with God---9 people

Lowest priority: (placed #6 or 7 on survey)

learn skills to study the Bible for myself—11 people

learn the history/cultural background of the Bible—8 people

build New Testament fellowship-5 people

What people like best about our class:

A variety of answers, with most often mentioned being the teaching (good teachers) and the people in the class(ie. friendships, caring for one another, etc.)

What people would like to change about our class: Variety of answers, with most often mentioned being more fellowship opportunities, wanting to get to know others in the class better and having a larger room



Donna Johnigan shared a praise for her mom successfully going through Gall Bladder surgery. After a little over a week she was up and going even to the Rodeo & Fair with the family!


Donna Johnigan reminded us to continue to pray for Melissa Green. She is one of our Adult Special Needs in our church family who is in the hospital. She was in critical condition, but as of now is in stable condition. She is able to breathe on her own now, but unable to eat or drink on her own. Her pain med. was causing rash and hives, but that is doing better. They hope that she will regain her swallowing soon and possibly go home this week. Her parents are Mike & Margie Green.

America needs our prayers: for more info you can go to: and

October 19th after am church—Young Marrieds Lunch

For all Young Married Sunday School classes in both hours. Rudy’s BBQ, Potato Salad, Beans and Cole Slaw. Cost is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children RSVP by Oct. 15

October 26th @ 6 pm—Marriage Mentoring Training

Marriage mentoring is a ministry that seeks to connect young couples with more experienced couples in an intentional relationship that is focused on building strong marriages. This training is for those who are interested in serving as a Marriage Mentor or want more information about this ministry.

November 7th @ 7 pm—Married Life

Laugh Your Way To A Better Marriage video seminar. Deadline to register is Wednesday, Nov. 5th.

October 31st FBC Woodway Fall Festival 6-8:30 pm

Check out Chris Sammons’s (FBC Young Married Pastor) blog



More Prayer Requests

Josh Long Update

Many of you have not seen Ryan and I for a while in Sunday School as we prep the HH and the WORD each week for our kids at First Woodway.

Our son, Josh, has autism with severe dietary restrictions and gastrointestinal problems. He is currently on a three month course of steroids along with anti-inflammatory medications. In January he will begin some clinical trials to help his immune system recognize food as food. Despite the metabolic challenges, he continues to gain in all areas of development as we intervene, and as you intercede with your prayers. We are thankful for our church family and also so thankful for First Woodway’s Special Needs Ministry that allows us to be involved in our church while Josh is in “Helping Hands”. Please keep us and all of our special needs families.

Carolyn P

Please pray for my Aunt Marian who is 82 and lives in Maine. She just found out that she has brain cancer and it has already begun branching out. The doctor told her she can do radiation and chemo but at her age there could be huge side effects. Vision loss, hearing loss and even death are just a few. She is struggling with what to and her daughter desperately wants her to begin treatment. Her health before this diagnosis was very poor so this also complicates things. Please pray for my Aunt along with the entire family.


Sunday, October 5th

Prayer Requests and Praises:

Melanie Cannon praised God by telling us that Mary O'connor who was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer in March is now free of all signs of cancer!

Omar continues to feel better, but please continue to pray as he does phys. therapy in strengthening his arm.

Perry Glanzer offered up a praise of thanksgiving for Rhonda as she continues to deal with G B. Please continue to pray for her as she increases her dosage of pain medication.


Our class is hosting the breakfast for college students Oct. 12. Contact Stephanie
West is if you would have questions or would like to bring food or money.

If you have not already walked through the MAC please take the time to do so. We are so blessed to have such a beautiful facility!


College Childcare Dates

FBC Woodway College Daycare Dates
Sept. 26th
October 24th
Nov. 21st
Jan 23rd
Feb 27th
March 20th
April 24th

College Childcare is an opportunity for students to serve FBC Woodway by providing childcare on Friday a month. All donations go towards Summer Missions scholarships.

Prayer requests for Sunday, Sept. 7th

Prayer Request:


Reminder to continue to pray for the Hunter family (from Robinson) who lost wife, mom, teacher, Denise, who died of a stroke right before school started.

Vick Sober's mom is moving to Idaho leaving a home that she lived in for a very long time.

Continual prayer for Rhonda Glanzer.


Chrisann Fritscher has had remarkable improvement this past week. We believe that this goes beyond Botox treatment, hoping that God is restoring her at this time. Thank you for praying!


Book Signing?

Get your copy today and read our own Todd Brown's story!!

Summer is Over

Now that summer is over we will dust off the class blog!


WELCOME New Sunday School director Debbie Hoy.
Debbie will be sending each of us a survey soon to better meet the needs of our class.

Prayer Requests:

Rhonda Glanzer - continues to battle Guillian Barre syndrome. She has started a new medicine that is supposed to help with the pain in her legs. Please pray that her body can handle this medicine as she increases the dosage to the recommended amount.

Chrisann Fritscher - just this past week has reduced pain. Will continue to adjust to a focal dystonia in her neck, a movement disorder. Many thanks for your constant support with prayers and meals! Praise God, He can do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think. Healing is completely up to Him, hoping for this side of Heaven and believing He is all about doing His good. He has answered in various ways and one way is how He has kept me in His peace. If you pray, please include Eph. 3:20 and Isaiah 26:3.

Amber Clemens has asked us to pray for the family of Denise Hunter who died of a stroke at age 48. Denise was a school teacher in Robinson so please pray for students and faculty that is so affected. Her husband is the Pastor at Robinson Church of Christ.

Yvonne Minor's sister, Lisa, is going through a marriage separation.

Omar Pachecano - Please pray that he continues to heal from a broken clavicle and that he can sleep at night.