
February 22nd

This weeks prayer requests

Stephanie West has asked us to pray for Anna Rambo. She has had cancer in the past and it has returned.

Please pray for David Anderson's mom, Jan, who is recovering from knee replacement surgery.


Sunday, Feb. 15th


Please continue to pray for
Rhonda’s health and her family in Canada who are going through a difficult time right now.

Chrisann has seen some results from her treatment so please continue praying for her complete recovery.

Vic Sober have some additional testing for the Military this week so please pray for good results.

Cory and Patti Priests friend
Randy Williams does not have vertigo. They are pursuing now vascular possibilities with a neurologist this week so please pray for wisdom and healing.


Sunday, Feb. 15 marked 1 year of sobriety for Chrisann's sister,
Cherie Chadwick. We offer up to God a praise of Thanksgiving for her life and for healing her from potential death due to alcohol. Her body is a walking testimony of a miracle!! Praise to the Lord!! Thank you for all who prayed for her!


Sunday Feb. 8, 2009

Chrisann Fritscher-pray that she will find some relief from the increased dosage of Botox this week and that the treatment will be successful.

Randy Williams-his doctors still do not know what is wrong with him so please pray for a diagnosis and wisdom for the doctors. He is confined to his bed.

Ruth Lopez-pray for healing-she has had many cysts and tumors over the past few years.

Bill Goss-Chemo had to be stopped until his numbers go back up so pray chemo can be started again quickly!

Rhonda Glanzer- has had a difficult week with increased pain and family issues in Canada so please pray for healing over both issues.

Mitch Thompson gave his testimony in our class Sunday and if you missed it get with him and ask to hear it! It WILL BLESS YOU!! Thanks again Mitch!


Sunday Feb. 1st

Prayer Requests:

Randy and Audi Williams (friends of Patti and Cory Priest) - Randy has medical problems that have been difficult to diagnose and have left him unable to leave the house other than doctor's visits.

Chrisann Fritscher- has increasing neck pain as she waits for the next Botox injection this month. A praise that they were able to find a local in network neurologist to do the injections.

Rhonda Glanzer- pray for Rhonda's family in Canada as they are going through a difficult time. Pray for Rhonda as she tries to support her family through this and deal with increased pain.

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